Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Less than 24 Hours Later


This email came less than 24 hours later. The ink barely had time to dry on the documents and check we had sent Fed Ex the previous day. However the pictures of our daughter are still fresh in our minds, and each detail of her existence is being inscribed on our hearts. We took that leap of faith. We read the fee schedule, we knew the cost. Our love for her is blind, so we were oblivious to the inevitable heart break that waited for us. We obtained the cash and carefully followed Orson's instructions believing we would be that much closer to her and along in the process. We were so naive. Bringing that much cash to the supermarket (which is where this particular Western Union office was located) felt so odd. This day and age who in their right mind sends that much cash to someone in another country that they have never even laid eyes on or spoken to. Adoptive parents do, and we are glad to. Our child is waiting for us, and we for them.
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